The Department of Virginia is turning 100 on June 14, 2025

We need your help!!!! Our goal is to create a centennial photo book to celebrate our 100 years of supporting our veterans, service men, women, their families and communities. To honor our members' dedication to our great organization.


How can you help?  We need you to look through your old photos from back in the day!! This is where that dedicated historian comes in handy.

What are we looking for? We want to honor our Auxiliary Veterans, Gold Star families, Silver Star families and members that have made us smile over the last 100 years. There is a photo release form that will need to accompany the photos that are submitted. We are asking our Auxiliary Veterans to submit photos of themselves in service.

Remember we need Who, What, When and Where about the photo!


Photos and Forms may be sent to Tracey Hoffman

Deadline for photos April 30, 2025. Book will be handed out during the Department Convention June 2025


Links to Forms: 

Centennial Book Flyer 

Photo Release Form- (Needed to include in Centennial Book)