The "Buddy"® Poppy has been an integral part of the VFW community for one hundred years. As the VFW's official memorial flower, the Poppy represents the blood shed by American service members. It reiterates that we will not forget their sacrifices.

The Poppy movement was inspired by Canadian Army Col. John McCrae's famous poem, "In Flanders Fields” Poppies were originally distributed by the Franco-American Children's League to benefit children in the devastated areas of France and Belgium following World War 1.

The VFW conducted its first Poppy Distribution before Memorial Day in 1922, becoming the first veterans' organization to organize nationwide distribution. In February 1924, the VFW registered the name.   "Buddy"® Poppy with the U.S. Patent Office. The certificate was issued on May 20, 1924, granting the VFW all trademark rights in the name of Buddy, under the classification of artificial flowers. No other organization, firm or individual can legally use the name "Buddy"® Poppy.   These small but memorial flowers have raised millions for the welfare of veterans and their dependents. The Poppy Program also provides financial assistance in maintaining state and national veterans' rehabilitation and service programs, and partially supports the VFW National Home.   

Contact your VFW Post to order Poppies.

Brochures, "Buddy"® Poppy distribution supplies and promotional items can be purchased from the VFW Store at vfwstore.org or by calling 1-833-VFW-VETS.

Buddy"® Poppy Distribution Tips:

Talk to your VFW Post about a joint drive and splitting the proceeds.

Contact your city/town clerk's office to see if a permit is required for your distribution event.

Get permission from the desired distribution location(s) store managers/owners prior to promoting your "Buddy"® Poppy distribution event.

Make sure all Auxiliary members know the time, day, and place of your distribution event.

Share information about your distribution event with your local paper and on social media. Post flyers in high-traffic areas such as grocery stores, coffee shops, the post office, etc.

Ask for assistance from youth groups such as VFW and/or Auxiliary youth, JROTC, after­school, Scouts, Young Marines, and faith-based clubs.

Ask volunteers to wear Auxiliary- and/or VFW­ branded clothing to both promote the Auxiliary and VFW and connect the distribution of poppies to the organization.

Remind volunteers they are NOT SELLING "Buddy"® Poppies but DISTRIBUTING them for donations.

Never refuse someone a "Buddy"® Poppy because they are unable to donate. A "Buddy"® Poppy honors all veterans.

See the VFW's "Buddy"® Poppy Chairman's Guide for further assistance ·in setting up a "Buddy"® Poppy drive, as well as other helpful resources. The guide can be found in MALTA Member Resources. 

At the Auxiliary and Post level, all proceeds from Poppy drives are to be placed in the Relief Fund with receipts and expenditures in accordance with the Treasurer's Guide and the Podium Edition: Bylaws and Ritual.

 (Sec. 904) "Buddy"® Poppy drives can be hosted at any time during the year - not just Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Try doing one at least once a quarter. If you have enough volunteers, host a monthly Poppy drive.

VFW National Home Turning 100 Years Old! 

 Turning one hundred this Program Year, the VFW National Home located in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, has helped military and veteran families who need a fresh start. Families can live there rent-free for up to four years and have access to professional case management services, on-site licensed childcare, life skills training, tutoring and other educational services, as well as recreational and community service opportunities. Families find healing in a safe and peaceful environment of tree-lined streets, forty-two single-family homes, facilities such as a gym, library, computer and science labs, day care center, playgrounds, fishing pond, hiking trails and more!

Founded in 1925 as a place where families left behind by war-mothers and children, brothers and sisters-could remain together, keeping the family circle intact even when their serviceman didn't come home, the VFW National Home serves as a living memorial to America's veterans by helping our nation's military and veteran families during difficult times. 

Reintegration, post-traumatic stress, high unemployment, rehabilitation from battlefield injuries, emotional wounds, financial stress, fractured family relationships, hopelessness and more can be the outcome for families with a parent serving our country-now, recently, or from earlier generations. Over the years, the National Home has met the changing needs of America's military and veterans' families.   Through it all, one thing has remained constant: the National Home's commitment to honor our nation's veterans and service members by providing help and hope for their children and families.

One way the Auxiliary supports the National Home is through gifts of ten cents per member to the Health & Happiness Fund. Contributions are critical since the campus and its programs receive no government funding. The Health & Happiness Fund supports the following at the National Home:

•  Christmas gifts

•  Graduation gifts

•  Maintenance of Auxiliary-sponsored buildings

•  Emergency repairs and renovations. Donations can be made online in MALTA or by mail.

Making a gift is easy on MALTA. Gifts can be made by an Entity (Auxiliary, District, Department) or by individuals. 

Make a Gift online in MALTA on behalf of an entity (Auxiliary, District and/or Department)

 ·   The Treasurer can log into MALTA

·   Go to the Duties tab for-the entity you are making the gift on behalf of

·   Select Make a Gift shortcut icon.

·   Click on Make a Gift blue box.

·   Choose program and enter amount Click on I hereby agree to the terms and conditions of purchase.

·   Click on Pay Now to donate

 VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters Attn: Health & Happiness Donations 406 W. 34th Street t, 10th Floor Kansas City, MO 64111 by mail, send a check earmarked Health & Happiness


"Buddy" Poppy/VFW National Home for Children Resources