The following definitionof "Americanism”was originated by the Commanders-in-Chiefof the Grand Army ofthe Republic, UnitedSpanish War Veterans, Veteransof Foreign Warsof the United States, theNational Commanders ofthe American Legion,and the Disabled AmericanVeterans of the World War at a conferenceheld in Washington, D. C. in February1927:

"Americanism is an unfailing love of country; loyalty toitsinstitutionsandideals;eagernesstodefend.

itagainstallenemies;undividedallegiancetothe Flag; and a desire to secure the blessingsof liberty to ourselvesandposterity.

Patriotic Instructors

The Patriotic Instructoreducates members aboutthe proper salute to the U. S . Flag, as well as the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. They also take the time to understandthe VFW Auxiliary Ritualand the Federal Flag Code. They help members to understand the traditions and ceremonies of the organization.  TheUnderstanding Auxiliary Traditions help sheet and video are available in MALTA Member Resources.

For detailed information on Auxiliary traditions, ritualsand patriotic ceremonies,reference the VFW Auxiliary Podium Edition:Bylaws and Ritual.

Patriotic items and educational materialsare available forpurchase through theVFW Store at 1-833-VFW-VETS or online at 

Flag Education

A large part of demonstrating Americanismand patriotic spirit is respecting and properly caringfor the US Flag.  Flag etiquette coverseverything from proper displayof our Flag to acceptable conductaround this symbol of our nation.

For more information about Flag etiquette, the history of our Flag and to read the U. S. Flag Code, visitVFW .org/community/flag-etiquette. . 

Respect for the Flag - Engaging the Community

•            Flag Educationin Schools– Educating ouryouth about patriotism isan important stepon the path to good citizenship. Encouragemembers of your Auxiliaryto volunteer inschools and educate youth aboutthe importance ofrespecting our Flag. Volunteers can visit individual classrooms or give a presentation at a schoolassembly. For more resources, see MALTA Member Resources.

•            Recognition of Outstanding Community Flag Display –When a community member,business or organization takesthe care and time to display our"Stars and Stripes,” it reinforces patriotism to the entire community. You may recognize this display of patriotismby presenting a certificate of appreciation from yourAuxiliary.

•            Flag RetirementCeremonies – These ceremonies honoring our Flag serve as one of the most beautiful forms of respect for our country. This is the perfect way to involve the whole familyof Auxiliary and VFW members . Flag retirement ceremonies can also serve as an event involving the entire community . For more information on this and other Flag etiquette, refer to MALTA MemberResources.

Promote Patriotism – Celebrating Patriotic Holidays

Patriotic holidays are an opportune time to involve the whole family and bring community attentionto your Auxiliary.When fun family events are presented to the community, prospective new members will walkthrough your door. Patriotic holidays can serve as the perfectway to show that your Auxiliary supportspatriotism, veterans, and their families as a top priority. For more information about patriotic days and ways to celebrate, visit MALTAMember Resources.

The Americanism Program:

Americanism Resources

Flag Education

POW/MIA Recognition

Promote Patriotism