Beverly Abbott
Legislative Chairman -

Beverly Abbott of Danville, VA joined the VFW Auxiliary in 1983 under her grandfather who served in WWI, husband of PDP Cora Willis, and became a life member in 2003.  She first served in Auxiliary 7819 in Crewe, VA under the mentorship of PDP Virginia Fanshaw and served as Auxiliary President, Secretary, Treasurer, and District 4 President. After moving back to Danville in 1996, she has held the positions of District President, Auxiliary 647 Secretary and Treasurer, Department Scholarship chairman (2x), and this year is her second time as Legislative chairman. 

Beverly retired in 2017 after 30 years of teaching all the sciences at the middle and high school levels. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, crocheting, and knitting as well as volunteering for her church and Helping Hands Thrift Store.